Activated Carbon Fiber
As the third form of activated carbon, Activated carbon fibers can be divided into felts, cloth and filaments.
According to base materials,can be divided into viscose, polyacrylonitrile, phenolic resin and asphalt.
Using vegetable fibers (viscose fibers) or other organic polymers as raw materials, they are first formed and then carbonized and activated.
The main element is carbon. Carbon atoms exist in ACF in the form of chaotic stacking of graphite microcrystals,
with large specific surface area, high porosity distribution and uniform pore size.
So and granular activated carbon, carbon fiber is compared with adsorption capacity, adsorption fast, easy regeneration,
ash content, less and has good electrical conductivity, heat resistance, acid and alkali resistance, forming the gender is good.
The multifunctional activated carbon fiber material can be used for the variety of application areas shown as follows:
---Solvent recovery system
---Air cleaning system or filter units
---Odor remonal apparatus
---Nuclear air cleaning system
---Catalyst carrier
---Ozone elimination filter
---Air purifying filters for passenger cars
---Midical bandage and external circulation filter
---Fuel cell electrodes material
---Condenser material
---Gasoline vaporization protestor for car
The above all are typical products, special product can be made according to the customer's requirements.